EMCMA Election Potluck on May 29
Per our bylaws, three board positions are up for election each year. Board members whose positions are up may choose to run again, or leave their position open. ANY MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING MAY VOTE in the board election.
Who is eligible to vote?
All members are allowed and encouraged to vote. A member is anyone who has signed the Member Code of Conduct, regardless of whether they’ve attended any practices.
But I haven’t ever heard of this “Member Code of Conduct…”
That’s right, we haven’t handed it out yet. It will be available at future practices AND at the election itself.
Can I run for the board?
YES. All members are eligible to run for the three open board positions. In the future, board positions will be restricted to people who have been members for a year or more, but given that EMCMA is less than a year old, we’re doing away with that for this year.
Board terms last for three years. The board meets at 6pm on the second Thursday of every month, with additional meetings for any committees you might serve on.
In order to run
Email Silvie to file for one of the open positions by May 22, and specify which position you’re running for. The positions are:
- Board member at large – David Radford is running for reelection (you can run against David if you want, but he’s doing a great job as treasurer and we’d prefer not to lose him)
- Board member at large
- Board member at large
So…you mentioned a potluck?
Yes, and here are the details:
When: May 29th at 5:30 p.m. (before band practice)
Where: Centennial Middle School
What should I bring? Anything you want – please consult and add to The Spreadsheet.
And if I can’t attend?
You will be able to cast your vote by email. Once the candidates have filed, you will receive a further email with instructions on how to vote.
Thanks for performing your civic obligation!